Saturday, May 3, 2008

Coffee Pot Calls the Kettle Black

Well, "He who shall not be named" is at it again. Not that he is not posting comments on his "copyrighted" blog, but it is now getting to the point where even acknowledgement of his "intellectual property" will only inflate an already blimp sized ego. He has decided to remove links on his sight that He feels are promoting "questionable content." Of course, He mentions CasinoFacts specifically. Why mention any others since his intent has always been to malign anyone who does not agree with him. CasinoFacts is not a blog, but does itself link to entertaining and fact based blogs. Blogging is an art that empowers the individual to promote their talent that would not be noticed otherwise and get information out that would hopefully meet a need somewhere else. Some bloggers obviously lack both talent & useful information.
He has decided to remove CasinoFacts for linking to a link that links to comments that He finds "questionable" but leaves links to Middleboro Casino whose author likes to take what should be personal conversations and private persons (contributors to this blog and others) and display them in the public domain on the front page mostly to promote his victim hood. Then there is Casino-Friend whose psychotherapist author without "calling people racists" call people... you guessed it, racists. In fact both "He" and one "Death Eater" have taken my private e-mails to them and posted them on their sites. Not that I would at any point converse in an inappropriate manner or use the obscenities that one has to me, but gosh darn it, they were private e-mails. It just lacks courtesy to do that for self promotion.
Coffe Shop Talk continues to be Not.


Gladys Kravitz said...

So he'll just pout and stomp his little foot some more about these 'terrible' blogs in the hopes that cfo will then un-link to blogs - for what? In order to appease HIM?? CFO works for Abomb?? I thought they were about getting rid of a casino. Oh yeah, that's right, they are!

Look up the work hypocrite in the dictionary this morning and you'll see a picture of Abomb.

Yeah, sure, take the link off your blog but leave middleborocasino - who's owner has threatened people with violence, and makes regular criminal allegations of others, and where committee chairmen toss around threats of litigation.

Yeah. Real wholesome stuff, but then, to Abomb, it probably is -because none of that it directed at HIM.

And importantly, of course, is the fact that isn't a sponsor of coffeeshoptalk.


Anonymous said...

And Mr. Bond just keeps getting better!
Now he's decided to pontificate about extortion - NOT! Defend a man who has no reservations about publicly calling others terrorists, pedophiles, racists and worse?
The Bonds seem to have problems when someone questions their superior status or opinion.
He's in such great demand, that's why he paid for his radio air time.

Anonymous said...

A friend just sent this arogant man's front page where he spouts his legalese about the slime originating from Raynham. Wow! I hope others listened to his program with the phoney email from 'Maggie.' What a pathetic joke he has become. Agree with him and you walk on water. Disagree and both he and his angry wife become a mouth breathing dragons.

cranberrycynic said...

Clearly this seasoned attorney has not been following the actions of Raynham's village idiot or the other mouthbreathers. Their antics have a folder on my hard drive and I'm sure I am not alone.

One of these days he will run out of straws to grasp at. Then what?

I patiently wait for the day that Mr. Bond and his wife run away from this region they hate so much...but my patience wears thin after a while.

Anonymous said...

Ah...temper tantrum from He Who Would Be King?
Sounds like it!
Wonder if he stomps his feet in his anger??
Good thing he's surrounded by dummies on the BOS or you'd see just how smart he was.

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! Dime store "legal" definitions from Wikipedia?

Is Mr. CoffeeShopTalk offended because he didn't negotiate the Peace Treaty? BooHoo!

Carl said...

Who needs a legal secretary or paralegals when you have Wikipedia? That is why after working 20 years for someone like that my mother went and got her own degree in law and graduated in the top 1% of her class. She didn't have to work in the circus anymore. One of her former bosses is now a Kool-Aid drinking State Rep. and is still practicing at bring a lawyer.

Anonymous said...

Well, it's certainly a good thing it's raining because you guys have provoked a real temper tantrum and rant with 'He Who Thinks He's King'! At least you've kept him busy since he has little else to do. Wonder who he'll go after next? Keep watching!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Bond has added yet another label to casino opponents: Extortionists!
Someone needs to puncture that over-inflated ego of his.

Anonymous said...

Tsk! Tsk! It seems Mr. Bond's PMS today. I can't relate but his behavior resembles the wife's. But I love her and endure. I don't have to endure Mr. Bond's behavior. I never voted for him and will campaign for ANY opponent next time he runs. Mr. Bond and his wife need to grow up.

Anonymous said...

Posted on nemasket, a private discussion forum, by Adam Bond whose self-chosen avatar looks like Dopey, one of the 7 dwarfs (is that appropriate of what?):
Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 9:38am
"Town Meeting and the BOS being compared to Nazi Germany--WOW! Is this a Godwin issue? I am listening for the righteous indignation folks.
Please don't take this little bit of sarcasm too seriously...just poking a little bit of fun blended with a little bit of irony.

Please don't let me interrupt the flow. It is a productive conversation."

Was he surfing for ammunition?

Gladys Kravitz said...

Don't they all?

Anonymous said...

Wow! This man and his wife sure know how to Win Friends and Influence People.
I can't wait until he's up for re-election. I'd vote for his avator before I'd vote for him.

Anonymous said...

The Town of Middleborough hired a secretary incapable of using spellcheck, posting documents on the town's website properly, and incapable of composing an acceptable letter for $52,000 a year.
Mr. Bond and the rest of the Board of Selectmen should worry more about doing their jobs than what others are doing.
Wake up, Mr. Bond.

Anonymous said...

Puh-lease!! You took something from a private forum and posted it publicly. You don't see a problem with that?

And you defend someone who has written the most contemptible, vicious bile publicly? Someone who put his own livelihood at risk by posting threats, insults, and lies about others on a site associated with his business' name and logo. No problem with that either?

I thought there was hope for you with your readiness to include the community as the new Chair of the BOS. Now today you post a blog you must surely realize will fan the fires in town all over again. Sorry, you have proven again that you have no credibility.

Anonymous said...

So now I get abond's comments about shutting down the bully and I'm pretty steamed. Will post more when I calm down but who does he think he is? What did he do to stop the attacks? When it was his daughter he didnt have a problem making a public spectacle.

Fiferstone said...

Hi Gladys, I left the below as a comment on Coffee Shop Talk, in anticipation that it does not get posted there, would you mind posting it here? I'm just hedging my bets, you'll forgive the pun.


OK, I apologized on the private forum where the comment quoted here was made, and I will do so here, if you care to publish this comment.

I apologize for any who took offense at my analogy.

Please remind me, what is the etiquette for posting comments made on a members-only internet forum to a public website?


Anonymous said...

cranberrycynic, a numbers of us have been saving and circulating the comments to ensure preservation for future use.
Those words will return to haunt that person and those who foolishly posted on that site convinced of their anonymity. Town leaders? I think not. More likely town fools.
Sadly, that includes Mr. Bond when he defends the actions of fools.

Anonymous said...

Abomb commented to his own post and fails to comprehend that maybe calling a person a pedophile, terrorist, racist in a public forum is unacceptable, as was most of the other stuff on the toxic site.

Anonymous said...

MrCoffeeShopGossip has become an annoying embarassment. When will he learn that sometimes silence is golden? Having a JD after one's name does not necessarily indicate the presence of common sense.

Carl said...

Daniel, didn't you know that she is a newcomers rep for Middleborough?

Anonymous said...

cdplakeville, can you imagine that woman who always wears a frown pretending to be the Welcome Wagon?
Incidentally, his avatar seems to be Dopey.

Anonymous said...

I just logged on and found trash from this condescending man filled my email??? How do we get rid of him?

Anonymous said...

Vote him out. PLEASE

Anonymous said...

My husband and I are in favor of the casino, but I would no more use the venom that has been posted about my friends and neighbors than I would want to endure the same treatment.
Regardless of what the future holds and I have serious doubts about the casino ever being built, we live with each other.
What Mr. Bond and his wife have accomplished has been the most divisive ever seen.
Their conduct and their attacks are unwarranted and unjust.
Mrs. Bond upset me when she wrote letters to the editor indicating that casino opponents called the supporters names in the town hall. We were present when that out of town person had to ask if the building was town hall. He was a paid out of town trouble maker and Mrs. Bond clearly showed her ignorance believing the hoax.
No one can ever identify by name a town resident who has behaved in such a fashion because they are not town residents.
This is our community and we can disagree without becoming the enemies that Mr. Bond creates.
This is not Manhattan, Mr. Bond, where you simply move on. You need to adjust to small town living or ....
The choice is yours, but the attacks and temper tantrums don't fit our town.

carverchick said...

My private emails were also taken and posted on a public site by the out of towner "He Who Shall Not be Named" supports and links to. It is probably the lowest low to go. In fact, anti's have been "dared" to post proof of threatening emails received by the out of towner but have not done so. What would be the point of it? He knows what he wrote and who he emailed threats to....I have seen some of these email threats and am not surprised he is using the CYA tactic of being the "victim". I am however, surprised that He Who Shall Not be Named is supporting this person. I understand your frustration and resentment for him posting your private like I, you know better. Coffee Shop Talk is so NOT!

Anonymous said...

This man sure knows how to divide people to build his kingdom and stroke his own ego. Don't get too close or you'll get sucked in!