Because it's more important that we return to a discussion of the issues, both of Middleboro and the factual impacts of the non-existent casino, these are among my last words regarding Mr. Bond's sordid attacks.
For the last day, I have spoken with others who were DEEPLY OFFENDED and outraged over Mr. Bond's comments equating the casino with the HOLOCAUST.
The reaction of many to the inappropriate parallels drawn by Mr. Bond have left many without words, as much as myself.
Mr. Bond's parallel was curious.
When discussing Sovereign Rights, perhaps we could draw parallels with the US presence on the island of Cuba.
Those are US Sovereign Rights imposed on the Sovereign Nation of Cuba.
That presence is Guantanamo Bay. It is called GITMO.
It is a place where International Law and Constitutional Rights have been suspended.
It is a place where the Red Cross has been denied access as provided in previous US Agreements.
It is a place where innocent people were brutally tortured and then released when it was determined that they were, in fact, innocent.
It is a place where a 15 year old is still being held after years in 'captivity,' like an animal.
It is a place where NO TRIALS ARE HELD.
The US also has other territories on which they proclaim Sovereign Rights to torture.
Or perhaps, the modern parallel to the racist accusation raised by Mr. Bond might be the current US treatment of Muslims.
We stalk them, eavesdrop on their phone conversations, and target them because we believe THEY are ALL terrorists.
Because Muslims wear different clothing, pray during the day and adhere to different beliefs, they must be terrorists. Right?
Shall we draw parallels?
Do we believe Native Americans to be terrorists?
The US has invaded 2 Muslim countries: one to provide security for a pipeline to Pakistan and the other because of oil.
Why should Native Americans be permitted to have Sovereign Rights within the US if they wear different clothing and have different beliefs? Shouldn't they also conform?
Clearly, there are numerous other parallels to be drawn should one care to, but let's stick to the facts.
Since Mr. Bond clearly lacks any historical sense, we should stick to the current issues.
Mr. Limo posted that your were the Biggest Troublemake in Middleboro. Congratulations on reaching such heights with a poorly educated businessman who can barely post a coherent comment. When I went back later in the day, it appeared that he had deleted his comment about you. Perhaps he has ordered a bronze plaque or the crown you so rightly deserve!
God! almighty has spoken!
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